New York Legal Assistance Group

Address: 17 Hanover Square, New York, NY 10004

Phone: 212-613-5000


Legal Hand Project

Provide free legal information, assistance, and referrals to local residents.

Public Benefits Program

Attorneys work to ensure that low-income families, children, the elderly, and other vulnerable populations have access to the public benefits they are entitled to. This includes public assistance, SNAP benefits, Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security Disability Insurance and SSI.

Matrimonial and Family Law

Provides legal representation to low income individuals in family law and matrimonial law issues.

Tenant’s Rights

Provides a broad range of legal services to low income tenants.

Special Education

Offers legal assistance to low income families who need assistance obtaining special educational services for their children.


Project provides high-quality, free legal services in a wide variety of civil legal matters impacting the LGBTQ community, including employment, housing, public benefits, shelter access, name changes, gender marker changes, family law and life planning.


Provides free mediation to low-income New Yorkers who wish to resolve disputes without resorting to protracted and expensive litigation.

Immigration Protection

Provides New York’s low-income immigrant communities with comprehensive legal services through consultation and direct representation. Assists individuals in securing or continuing lawful status in the US through adjustment of status and other complex legal remedies that may be available.