CASA-NYC’s mission is to ensure that young people involved in the NYC child welfare system have their needs met and rights protected and that children in foster care are moved quickly into safe, stable, nurturing and permanent homes—with their families of origin whenever possible.

Who We Are
CASA-NYC is a volunteer-based, non-profit organization established in 1979 and operating throughout the five boroughs of NYC. We are committed to facilitating family stability, equity, and justice for children, youth, and families referred to us by the family courts. Our staff is made up of licensed social workers, attorneys, and other professionals with expertise in helping youth and families navigate the maze of child welfare, courts, and other systems that have often failed them. Our staff recruits, trains and supports hundreds of New Yorkers to serve as volunteer advocates for children and youth through a social justice lens.
CASA-NYC serves about 1,100 young people each year, but there are so many more who need our help. There are approximately 10,000 children and youth in foster care and tens of thousands more involved in family court proceedings.
How our work is making an impact

What drives us
Our Values

Child Safety & Well-Being
The safety of the children we serve is our top priority. Their physical, emotional, and developmental well-being drives every aspect of our work.

Family Stability
Families who have experienced trauma and the tragedy of separation can heal when treated with dignity and respect. We facilitate reunification between children and their parents whenever safely possible, or we facilitate permanency with other relatives or adoptive family.

We advocate to ensure that families involved in the child welfare system are treated fairly and equitably at every stage of the process, have their rights protected, and receive the services and support to which they are entitled.

We are reliable, resourceful, and relentless problem solvers and work with a sense of urgency on behalf of the children and youth we serve.

We work to engage and partner with all people and organizations who play an important role in the life of the child or youth we serve, while identifying every available support.

Equity & Anti-Racism
Because structural racism is a primary force underlying family instability and child welfare system involvement, we strive to be an actively anti-racist organization and continuously advocate for equity for the children and families we serve.

Join us for a night of inspiration, information, and entertainment. It's Supper Club! Save the Date!
Where: Tribeca Rooftop
When: May 6, 2025

Volunteer Highlight
Special Call for Volunteers in Staten Island
Do you live, work, or have significant familiarity with Staten Island? CASA-NYC needs your help! Learn more about becoming a volunteer Advocate.
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